Posts by 1courage 49
October 13, 2009
I had been stressing about pinpointing a definite niche since I joined WA.  I had an article outline about a health benefits company that I was a member of for the last few months.  I had chosen this niche because the company seemed very stable and the opportunity promising.  So I started an article, but didn’t get very far.  I was still thinking about other niches.  The problem with the health benefits opportunity was that my heart really wasn’t in it.  Then l
October 10, 2009
Made some what of an outline & rough draft of an article I started Thursday evening.  I'm not very confident with it just yet.  I get a little frustrated.  I think I'm making it harder than it needs to be.  Also I'm a bit unsure about the niche I've chosen.  So I just may rethink this niche.  I guess all this frustration is part of the learning process.  I'm determined not to let it get to me.  Started my 12 hour work day again on friday, so have been
October 08, 2009
I think I'm ready now to try article marketing.  I've been reading a lot, now it's time for me to start implementing what I've learned.
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October 03, 2009
Been very busy the past few days.  Taking extensive notes in the training material.  I'm hoping by next week I will be in the process of writing articles.  I feel I'm taking too long, but I want to have a good understanding of what I'm doing before I actually start marketing.  Eventually, however, I will have to take that leap of faith.  Looking forward to it.
September 30, 2009
Whew! Training section 3.1 is intense.  I had already read it, but I'm still working through it as far as taking action.  I'm almost done, but one of the Research Getting Started pages was blank.  It was the one on Researching Competition.  I will try and access it again tomorrow.
September 30, 2009
I didn't do a lot with WA from last Fri until Sunday because I was working 12-hour work days.  I took Monday off just to get a break.  On Tuesday, I took more notes on the training and organized my work more.  I'm finding that the time I took to organize my work has helped me considerably.  Now it's time for me to get back on board with the learning and implementing.
September 26, 2009
Since I'm working 12-hour days during the weekends, I decided I would not spend too much time reading the training material. I will read more on my 4 days off. I plan to use the end of these work days just to keep up on the WA Spaces, forum, & job marketplace. Last night, however, I was in an ambitious mood. I didn't do any reading, but I spent about 3 hours planning and organizing. I typed up & printed out two elaborate spreadsheets that should help me stay organized and focused.
September 25, 2009
I've been attempting to take consistent action.  Since yesterday, however, I've been stalled at section 3.1.  It's a bit more complex.  It's coming up with a niche which admittedly intimidates me a little.  I have two "back-up opportunities" if I don't come up with a niche within a couple of days.  However these two back-ups have a lot of competition.  One is the WA affiliate program.  The other is a health benefits program that I've been a member of
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September 23, 2009
I have been having quite a bit of trouble with my computer.  It was too slow, causing me to have multiple posts & accidentally deleting my prior posts.  I guess it's working now. Well I have completed all the overview of the steps.  I wanted to get an idea of what I will be learning.  Now I am going over each of the steps and taking action.  I already fully completed step one.  I have decided I will promote the WA program as well as any niche I come up with.&nbs
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