Posts by 1courage 49
October 28, 2009
Since I had trouble submitting my first complete article to Squidoo yesterday, I decided to practice patience and look for other keywords.  Since I am promoting the WA Affiliate program, I wanted to research another career opportunity that  would interest a significant amount of people, but wasn't overrepresented in the search engines.  To my surprise, I found it!  I came up with a keyword phrase that has over 4,000 search count, but less than 2,000 quoted search results.&nb
I have great WA buddies!  Thank you to all that responded to my post about my trouble submitting an article to Squidoo.  Your information and suggestions  definitely helped.  My trouble came when I was setting up the lense, I didn't even get the chance to submit the article.  Squidoo wouldn't accept my keywords.  From your responses regarding Squidoo, I came to a better understanding about Squidoo.  This is my first article (lens) so I'm just learning about Squ
I'm back to working on WA.  I attempted to submit my article to Squidoo (I'm promoting the WA Affiliate Program), but their system wouldn't accept my keywords due to their rules.  Basically there rules are no illegal stuff, no pornography, & no spam.  Obviously I would not be promoting the first two things.  As far as spam, I really don't get what they consider spam.  I quickly read their rules.  They seem to be anti-affiliate program promotions.  I see oth
October 25, 2009
I haven't had a lot of time to research the meaning of the Member Rank.  Today I looked at it & it was way up to 341.  Just yesterday, I believe it was in the 3000's range.  My popularity is only 16.  I can't imagine why my member rank would jump that high (unless I'm confusing it with another number). I'm just reading my messages this weekend since I'm working.  I will get back to work with WA on Monday.  I'm already eager to do so.  Hope all of you are ha
October 22, 2009
Last night I entered my article into the Rapid Writer.  Today I read about Squidoo.  I will post my article there soon.  I didn't today because my computer acted up several times today while I was reading the Squidoo info.  It kicked me out of WA more than once.  I just know I have a virus on this computer.  Anyway I was already annoyed & didn't want to hassle with it today.  I'm not having a bad day, just very tired as if I didn't get enough sleep.  I
October 21, 2009
Yippee! I just completed my first article. My progress is slow, but sure.  I just typed the article out on microsoft word this time because I just wanted to focus my thoughts on the article rather than learning how to use Rapid Writer.  I'm sure Rapid Writer is not complicated, but I'm very familiar with Microsoft Word.  Now that I'm relieved to have completed this first article, I will try and copy paste it to Rapid Writer.  The article is just OK.  I majored in English
October 20, 2009
For about 1.5 hours tonight I focused on planning my article.  I already know I'm promoting the WA Affiliate Program which is more than I knew last time I started to write an article.  Last time I was still unsure about my niche because I wasn't really interested in it.  I selected two keyword phrases which are low competition.  Already made notes about who my audience is, what they want, etc. etc.  Now I'm just laying the foundation to write the article.  I like to
1 comment
October 20, 2009
I been working my 12 hour days Fri - Sun.  Monday I just took the day off from everything, I needed the rest.  Planned to get back at it today, but that just didn't happen.  Had errands to run & it literally took the whole day.  Now it's almost 10:30 at night and I'm just getting started.  I'll work a little tonight & do more tomorrow.  I should be starting on my first article.  Going slower than I wanted, but slow is better than not at all.
October 16, 2009
Yesterday, I was a bit more frazzled than I should have been.   Thanks to buddies like Internetgranny & Dr.Resiprocity that remind me that patience is a virtue.  I was able to go to the forum & get some of the issue resolved just by reading a prior post.  The one answering a question had a similar problem as me.  The one responding, informed her that by using "Allintitle" just before the keyword phrase you are using in the google search bar, will show all th
1 comment
October 15, 2009
I had joined WA Affiliate Program.  I am trying to come up with suitable keywords to start writing the articles, but I'm not having much luck.  Been at this for over an hour.  I'll get there, but just a little frustrated at the moment.  I've used the Keyword Tools & I even have Micro Niche Finder program.  I will go to the forum to see if I can get any ideas.  With so many other things to do, I haven't spent much time a the forum.