I think I need Direction! Any Ideas???

Last Update: July 06, 2012
Hey folks, its been a hectic week or so for me, but I finally managed to get a few more post done on my personal blog.
I was just wondering if anyone gets a spare 5 minutes, could you have a quick read and see what you think so far.
I think I'm lacking a specific direction with this blog but I'm sorta just trying to write whatever comes out at the moment. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have.
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AdvocateScott Premium
My suggestion is to really take some time to think about topics you already know a great deal about. This is all about branding yourself; no one is an expert on everything. Narrow it down to maybe 3-5 things you could really write about on an ongoing basis. Get websites going that are natural fits for those topics, and then find some affiliate programs related to those topics. As people start to see you as an "authority" on a select number of subjects, they will start following you and sharing your content.

Hope this helps!

nathaniell Premium
I like your theme - good and clean. Actually, is it a free theme or did you buy it because I might want to use it.

As for a suggestion of where to take the blog, using your name, you can pretty much promote anything. You've got some posts about money troubles, so that's a good way to promote WA. Though you haven't had any personal success, you could take some posts from other users here with the sharing system, and direct people from your blog to WA. Or, you could show how helpful the community is here - again, using the share feature from conversations people have here.

With money trouble stuff, you could also use 'get out of debt' books and self help stuff, but that niche might be flooded.

Maybe stuff to do with your job. I don't know what you do. Maybe personal hobbies and what you use on a day to day basis. You've got a kid - maybe promote family stuff, or stuff your kid likes. Maybe a mix of all this stuff.

Hope this helps.
adamleo Premium
Hey Nathaniel, thanks for your comment the theme I'm using is called Admired. Its a free theme and pretty easy to use.
katkatskitchen Premium
In my experience we all start of by talking about everything to an extent or other, but what happens because we are talking to everyone as Beverley says we end up by talking to no one. Think of a collander full of holes and then think of a funnel full of holes and sand.
Your blog is like the sales funnel full of holes and most prospective readers will fall out of the holes at the top. However, if you can think half way doen the sand is heavier because of the weigfht of the sand on top and therefore the reader is less able to fall out of the holes. At the very bottom of the funnel full of sand they have to fall into the sales funnel because there is nowhere else for them to go!

That is how you have to think of your direction and it does not matter how long it takesl you to think of that direction yo uneed to do it. Hope this helps
adamleo Premium
Thanks Kat, Great Analogy, makes sense too!!!
bigstevec Premium
hi adam
i agree with bis - staying focused is a point in one of your blogs - that is an excellent point - also passion and knowledge - you know the body business - there's a ton of stuff people would like to know about in that biz - stuff that you might take for granted - i don't know if that's a passionate subject for you - ie: i love baseball and i could write about it all day - hope that helps - been fishing lately

keep swinging the bat
adamleo Premium
Hey Steve, thanks for the comment, yeah I think bis is right too. You made a good point about the auto body repair biz. I have thought about it before because i'm always being asked by friend and relatives how to do something on their cars, but just don't know if I could write about it all day long long you with baseball.

And nah... haven't had a chance to get out on the water for a while now the weather has been crap for a couple weeks now, its either raining or blowin a gale...or I'm at work when it comes good. You know how it is.!!
BIS Premium
Hi Adam.

I had to search around among your blog posts here to find a link to your personal blog - but I found it and I went to have a look.

On your blog you say "I have created this blog to speak about anything that comes to mind without sticking to one particular niche." - This is a major problem for you.

If you're just going to write about anything you want who is your target audience and why would they come back again? It sounds a nice idea but in my view it doesn't work very well.

You talk about having read a lot about self-improvement - why isn't that your direction. I write in this area and there are lots of things you can write about which are interrelated. You need to sit down and do some proper planning and map out a flexible schedule for topics you're going to cover. I also suggest if you're going to do self improvement there are lots of stories in the news that will generate ideas.

People also generally read blog because they are looking for solutions to problems that they have. I look at a couple of your posts and while they are very well written and are amusing (in a good way) - they are about you. Too many 'I's' .

Apologies if I sound harsh - not meant to be - because you write well and I'm sure you have a lot to offer - but you need to have that direction or I think you will eventually be disappointed as well as run out of steam for things to write about.

Best wishes

adamleo Premium
Thanks so much for your honest review Beverley, I agree with you! I do need some direction. I'm just having trouble sticking to a particular topic. I appreciate your suggestions and please don't apologize for telling me what I NEED to know, I don't see it as being harsh.. I sent you a PM by the way.