Smoking & Drinking Vs. Success

Last Update: June 02, 2012
Why do I do this to myself??? Its a Saturday night here in Far North Oz, and once again I'm half drunk with a chest that feels like its going to cave in from the 40 or so cigarettes i've smoked today. I waste so much time...time that could be so much better spent with my family...

All I do on a Friday and Saturday night after work, is drink and smoke. I sit in my carport staring out a window towards my back yard just smoking, drinking, and "THINKING". All the while my wife and young daughter are upstairs..What an idiot!!! I miss out on so much time with the people I love the most because of the destructive habits I've allowed myself to form.

What it really comes down to, is that I'm actually paying hard earned money to send myself to an early grave and achieve absolutely nothing in the meantime. Because that's why.. I am where I am, I've achieved nothing.. All I do is read up on everything and then go downstairs and just smoke cigarettes and stare out that window just thinking about how I'm going to achieve success.. Yeah that's right...all thinking and never any action!

That's why I've made the decision tonight to quit smoking for good, I've had enough.I want to totally free myself from, well...myself really..after all...everyting I'm doing now has been my choice. I want to replace the time and money i invest into smoking and drinking, with habits that are ultimately going to help me achieve the things I want to acheive. Deep down I know that I could be doing so much more with my life rather than just staring out that window smoking & drinking on a friday and saturday night when I should be doing stuff with my wife and daughter. or doing something productive towards obtaining our goals.

It's going to be sort of hard for me to hit the save button on this post. I'm really embarrassed about what I'm doing to myself and to my family, and its kinda hard to just shout it out to the world, but I think I need to... Maybe I need the accountability. ( if that's even a word)

I also just wanted to get what I'm feeling down so I can read it to myself as a reminder of how I was feeling the night i smoked my last cigarette.

I want to make a promise to myself and everybody reading this. I"LL NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF.

I definetly want SUCCESS more!!!

As to the drinking... I'm going to limit myself to 2 beers on a friday and 2 on saturday. None during the week. (Come on : I think that's reasonable, after all what sort of Aussie would I be if I didn't have a beer or too on a friday or saturday night..Hehehe)

I just want to stay positive and keep thinking of the benifits of quitting for good, instead of being scared to quit, and how much better off I'm going to be without that crap.

I would also love to know if anyone has overcome the same problems and how! I think it will help!
Sorry if half of this doesn't make sense or whatever. Just had to get it out!

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Sib Premium
Such an inspirational post. Fair play for actually hitting save...
adamleo Premium
Thanks Sib, Yeah it took me a while to actually hit the save botton for that post. Thanks heaps
the filbert Premium
From a fellow Aussie, good move! We credit ourselves as being "action" people, so do just that, take the action you know you need to take. Set mini goals and tick them off once achieved. Good luck !
adamleo Premium
Thanks mate. It's been a bit over a week now and i'm feeling great. should have done it a long time ago. Thanks again for the support filbert
NatureLynn Premium
I can relate in some ways. Not to the drinking or smoking because I don't do either, but about the wasting time part. Although, I did stop drinking 5 years ago. I did not drink much but found myself having a glass of wine just to take the edge off after a stressful day at work. I decided that this could become a habit, a crutch and I stopped cold turkey. It was actually the very same day that I confronted someone that I loved about his drinking problem (major drinking problem). I decided that if I was going to confront him that I should stop as well. I told him that I would never take a drink again both in support of him and for my sake as well and I meant it. I have not taken a drink since. Not so for him, but not my issue anymore.....

Anyway, I have the "study syndrome". I have soooo much time invested into research to make a success of my sites, but I get caught up in the reading and not doing. Now granted, I have done quite a bit, but not nearly enough. If I would not have been stuck in my head with analysis paralysis, I could have taken more action and been further along. I find that it helps that I signed up with WA because I'm less inclined to look elsewhere for answers. So, I allocate myself a certain amount of time here and then I try to do actual work on my sites when I'm not here. It is hard working online and from home because the distractions seem endless.
adamleo Premium
Great advice NatureLynn, I have to say I admire you for doing what you did, as you didn't really have a problem, but you saw the potential problem and stopped it in its tracks, That what i should have done a long time ago. Thanks heaps for your support.
veronica.l Premium
You have come a long way by acknowlegde and admitting this to yourself. That is half the battle, you are now awear of the changes you have to make. Commit to yourself and your family, if you ever feel tempted read this post your just wrote.

Write down what you want instead of this old habit, spend time with your family, build a website... what ever your goal is.
I wish you the best of luck and if you ever need any help with anything, ask in the chat or forum or feel free to send me a PM. :)
adamleo Premium
Thanks so much for your support Veronica I have read the post quite a few times alsready in the past days since writing and it has definetly helped, so i'm glad i got it out.
yessharon Premium
Take a walk with your wife and child today. It will cost nothing, there will be plenty of fresh air to breath. Share your dreams with them and listen to theirs. Replace the negative time that you use to spend with positives. Glad that you are taking these steps.
adamleo Premium
What great advice!!! I've already found that i'm getting more family time since stopping.
But yeah getting out of the house and doing a bit of excercise has helped too. And my daughter loves getting out too... Thanks again for your advice and support.