Just Rejoined WA

Last Update: March 29, 2012

Hi everyone that's reading this post!

Well, about 8 or so months ago I joined WA to try to start learning how to make some additional income. I think I just got overwhelmed with the amount of information that is actually here and started getting frustrated, and ended up cancelling my subscription.

I decided to rejoin a couple days ago. So now I'm back with a different frame of mind, and the determination to succeed, no matter what?

I've actually been reading a book over the last few weeks, called The Law of Success, by Napolean Hill. Reading this book has really opened my eyes to alot of things that I need to work on, on a personal level. But at the same time its given me hope that I can do this...and be successful at it,  if I perservere. I now know that I'm more likely to fail before I succeed, but that's ok, as long as I learn and try not to make the same mistake twice.

 So here goes!!! 


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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome back, If you reach the saturation point, step away and spend some time with your daughter. It will be here when you get back and the frustration level will be lower. It takes time for your brain to process all that you are learning. Keep in mind that this is a University, most will take Four years to get your degree so don't expect it to happen overnight.
adamleo Premium
Thanks Labman, will keep that in mind when my brain is about to explode from all the info. Lol.:)