Posts by Angel688 5
August 04, 2012
Thought I let you know I had change my campiagn and doing a different affiliate program for marketing.And Wow it is easier than tring to to market WA. Websites are going up quicker and marketing is easier.Thanks for the help with the campiagn, I am already successing. You were right do something that you love do and it won't be work.
1 comment
June 26, 2012
I need some help, I see that my articles are getting views but the problem is that I am getting only one or two clicks through. How can I improve this and bring people into WA. I am wondering if using WA as my first campaign was good idea to start with. I would like this campiagn to be profitable. As I am also having a hard time lately in writing my articles, is there others ways that are free to promote WA?
June 15, 2012
well I am finally finishing my website, because family issuse had came up I couldn't get to it earlier. I am still trying to get the content finalized and I would like some other opionions. Please let me know how I can improve upon the site here is my link anything you can tell me would be greatly appericated.
May 12, 2012
Well here I am again, I had my first success in WA. I had written my first article and submitted to streetarticles, also I created my first landing page. This was hard hurtle to over come for me, but I did it. Next creating backlinks and sales. I am on way! Tomorrow, is Mother's day and since I am not a mother, I just wanted to take this time and wish all the mothers in WA .                   &nb
May 01, 2012
Well it as been a month now since I joined WA,  and I have to say it has been informative month. When I first joined I was overwelmed with all of the information that WA has to offer.  I have been learning alot, from article marketing to setting up my first WP web site.  with all of the tuturials and the action plan I was able to write my first article, which I haven't done before. the community has been helpful with any questions I had. because of me being sick I wasn'