creating my website

Last Update: June 15, 2012
well I am finally finishing my website, because family issuse had came up I couldn't get to it earlier. I am still trying to get the content finalized and I would like some other opionions. Please let me know how I can improve upon the site here is my link anything you can tell me would be greatly appericated.
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frannymark Premium
Hi I'm Franny, just signed up and ready to start learning and making lots of friends and money
Hello my name is Charles just joined newly need some help on how to integrate.
angel688 Premium
Hi and welcome, I would start with "learn how WA works" and watch the wabinars
Hi my name is Brooke. I just signed up and kinda clueless as what to do!
angel688 Premium
welcome, glad you are here. Start with "learn how WA works" and then "getting started"
Beckywahm Premium
One thing I noticed was that your big 10 day free button at the bottom of your blog isn't linked to the offer. Add a link to that. It's calling me to action. I click it and I am taken to the picture's location instead of to a sign up page.

While I don't think that anyone has perfect grammar, I think that you may want to proof read your article because I found some simple mistakes that are easy to fix. Leaving them there may decrease your credibility (reminds me of spam emails and scam sites). If you're too grammatically perfect, however, it won't sound like a real person is reviewing it.

One example of a simple mistake: "There are over a thousands of people who are willing to help you with questions, and any problems that might come up."
I'd switch to either "There are thousands . . ." or "There are over a thousand. . ."

I like the pics of Kyle and Carson, the subheadings (e.g. "great support"), and the testimonials.

Looks great, just fix those minor details and you'll be in great shape, IMO.
Beckywahm Premium
Also, get rid of the generic widgets. You can either hide your widgets altogether or remove it from your widgets.

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jchilders Premium
Congrats on getting your site up! It looks like you've got a good start going there.

A couple things...

Need to put Privacy Page, Affiliate Disclosure, About Me pages in there to please the Google gods...and the FTC gods for that matter. :)

Add 'Categories' for your don't want them to all fall under 'Uncategorized' That's one of the advantages of using posts since you can easily filter them by category and give your reader exactly what they want and need.

Spell check and grammar check everything.

Like I said, it's a good start but you don't want to just be a list of what WA is. Your reader wants to know how WA has helped you and how it can help them to succeed. That can come over time though.

Now that you've got it started, keep the momentum going and build on it!
