my first month with WA

Last Update: May 01, 2012

Well it as been a month now since I joined WA,  and I have to say it has been informative month. When I first joined I was overwelmed with all of the information that WA has to offer.  I have been learning alot, from article marketing to setting up my first WP web site. 

with all of the tuturials and the action plan I was able to write my first article, which I haven't done before. the community has been helpful with any questions I had. because of me being sick I wasn't able to work concently on writing articles. Now that I am better, I know my next 30 days are going to be great.

Although, I haven't made money yet, I know with the help from the community and from kyle and carson I will be successful.





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Beckywahm Premium
I made a wopping 4 cents on kontera during my first 30 days! I started 6 blogs figuring that I would see which would be the one (or more) that I would stick with. So far, at least 3 are off to a good start! I'm not getting thousands of visitors per day, but in the hundreds :)
warriorprincess Premium
I am looking forward for my next 30 days too!...And I would like to hear from you.....keep me posted.....Forward!
angel688 Premium
Nice too hear from you! I will keep you posted
Viterbi Premium
I can hear you have the right mindset with this! Put the effort in and results WILL come!
BIS Premium
Hope you're feeling better. Keep at it and you will be successful.Good luck
angel688 Premium
Yes I am feeling much better. I my way to my first sale, yeah... this great!