Posts by Benjamin83 6
 Hey Everybody, Just want to let everyone from WA know that I'm moving on from the Wealthy Affiliate University and cancelling my membership. Why? Well it's absolutely nothing against WA, but I feel as if I've outgrown the offerings. This place is absolutely awesome for novice and beginner level Internet Marketers and has made a lot of people a lot of money, including me over the years, but I feel as if the content has not evolved to cater to the more intermediate and advanced crowds out th
I want to start this out by saying that nothing in this post will make me any money if anyone buys what I’m telling you about in this post. This is a totally unbiased announcement.  A ridiculous Cyber Monday deal has surfaced that everyone who reads this will want to take advantage of. I wouldn't be a responsible member of this community if I didn't tell people about this.  For the next 3 days, until Dec 2, 2010 - 23 of the World's top Internet Marketing bloggers who are making a li
Hey All.  I posted this to my blog today.  I thought it would be a good article for some of you out there struggling with article content. ----- You know how people really love watching re-runs of old TV shows? There’s a reason for that.  They love the content of  those shows. This blog post explores a clever content generation strategy that uses this re-run principle to add quite a bit of posting power to your blog. In the work that I do in helping small businesses p
Hey All, Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be away for a bit for some training for work.  Ergh!  I love this place and all of the great resources it has, but I just can't seem to stay away from all of this damn "professional education." Hope everyone is doing well and I am PUMPED about all of the new stuff that is going on.  Keep at it everyone. Cody B Wheeler, MBA
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June 29, 2010
It's great to be back at WA and see some of the success that has happened in the past couple of years.  I've been able to hop in a little bit here and there, but have been largely unable to until now. I'm looking forward to helping the community continue to grow and prosper and would like to contribute some learning resources to the training center. This has always been one of my strong points. On that note I am now taking requests for learning resources.  Normally I would just crank o
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Finally!! I'm finished with my MBA and can start working on my online business again.  Other than the business concepts that were hammered into my brain with my graduate school work, I learned a lot about myself in the past two years.  One thing I learned was that trying to get an MBA, work two jobs, help out family members with their businesses, maintain a relationship, and work on a house / yard / garage leaves NO time for anything else.  At least not while maintaining one's san