Lessons Learned from an MBA

Last Update: June 24, 2010


I'm finished with my MBA and can start working on my online business again. 

Other than the business concepts that were hammered into my brain with my graduate school work, I learned a lot about myself in the past two years.  One thing I learned was that trying to get an MBA, work two jobs, help out family members with their businesses, maintain a relationship, and work on a house / yard / garage leaves NO time for anything else.  At least not while maintaining one's sanity.

Of course I was able to stay up on the latest trends and keep the affiliate income coming in, but not nearly to the level I had been, and eventually will again.

That being said, there's a lesson in all of that.  Ambition is great, and staying busy is great, but just make sure you don't spread yourself too thin.  One lesson I remember reading very early when I joined WA is that you need to FOCUS your efforts, but I learned you need to focus your efforts for a different reason than just resource constraints alone.

If you try to do everything under the sun, you'll never be really great at one thing. You'll never learn enough to really excel and become an expert. Exploration of new markets, skills, and resources is fine, but once you've found a winner, kick that winner into overdrive and exploit it it's fullest potential. 

Then repeat. Find those few things you're really good at (and that add value to your business), and either don't do the rest, or outsource the rest - or establish a tradeoff relationship of some kind.  There's no sense wasting time doing things that don't add value to your business, but that's another post entirely.

Feels good to be able to write again. I'll be seein everyone around the forums.

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Benjamin83 Premium
Thanks Jamie. It was a long road, but I know it will pay off. Now to do some IM to get rid of that student loan debt :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your MBA!