The World's Top Internet Marketers Have Lost Their Marbles

Last Update: November 29, 2010

I want to start this out by saying that nothing in this post will make me any money if anyone buys what I’m telling you about in this post. This is a totally unbiased announcement. 

A ridiculous Cyber Monday deal has surfaced that everyone who reads this will want to take advantage of. I wouldn't be a responsible member of this community if I didn't tell people about this. 

For the next 3 days, until Dec 2, 2010 - 23 of the World's top Internet Marketing bloggers who are making a living online right now are offering a ridiculous deal. They've banded together and each have donated one of their products to the pot to create a ridiculous learning package.

Some of them you’ve heard about. Some of them you haven’t. I’ve personally met a few on the list, and they definitely know their stuff. Everyone on this list has made 6 figures online. Some are millionaires. They’re as legit as it gets.

For $97 - Here’s what they’re offering and who wrote the product

  • Unconventional Guide To Working For Yourself - Chris Guillebeau
  • The Essential Motivation Handbook - Leo Babauta & Eric Hamm
  • True Strengths + The Metrics Of Ease - Danielle Laporte
  • Upsell 101 - Naomi Dunford and Dave Navarro
  • Websites That Sell Webinar - Laura Roeder
  • Guest Posting Guide - Chris Garrett
  • 3DayMoney - David Risley (of course)
  • Email Triage + 2011 Premium Planners - Charlie Gilkey
  • Location Independent Lifestyle Guide - Lea Woodward
  • Zero to Business - Johnny B. Truant
  • Write for the Web + Beyond Bricks and Mortar - James Chartrand
  • Reclaim Your Dreams - Jonathan Mead
  • How To Live Anywhere - Karol Gajda
  • Minimalist Business - Everett Bogue
  • Affiliate Marketing for Beginners - Corbett Barr
  • Beyond Blogging - Nathan Hangen
  • Smalltopia - Tammy Strobel
  • Guest Post Secrets - Erica Douglass
  • How To Network Fast - Jade Craven
  • Networking Awesomely - Colin Wright
  • Article Marketing Traffic Booster - Henri Junttila

Most of these products sell for $47, and some for even more than that. The total selling value of everything in the package is $1,052.00. That's not just some random number. That's the selling price of everything added together.

This would still be a ridiculous deal at $500, but it's under $100. If you're serious about IM, you'd be a fool not to get in on this.

Even if you don’t have the learning capacity for this stuff right now, at least check it and consider scrounging up the cash, or ask for this for Christmas. The knowledge in these products is what has made these people who they are today.

Why are they doing this?

Well none of them are going to make a significant amount of money off this one promo. It’s just not that expensive of a product.

They’ll probably make a few thousand at most each, which they'll use to live their lives, buy Christmas gifts, and feed their families. The big gain comes with the ripple effects, from the added exposure each of them gets with this deal.

My guess is that they’re trying to grow the pie for everyone involved. They’re essentially participating in reciprocal lead sharing by introducing their subscribers to other resources. Everyone benefits here, not just the person doing the promo.

Who benefits the most? We do.

I already bought my copy. There's only 3 days to get in on this. Don't miss it. It’s a ridiculous deal.

Once again - Here’s the link –

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