Rejected, Corrected, Accepted!

Last Update: July 19, 2012
REJECTION - nothing like that big rubber stamp to start your day! It's like breakfast without orange juice. Really! If you think that's going to put a burr in my bloomers then you've got another think coming!!!! I've had more kicks than a Bruce Lee movie. "Move over Rover, let Jimmy take over" (Hendrix).

Borrowing a line or two from my own post still constitutes C&P. Ok - another secret to put in my bag of tricks. No one said it would be easy. The good news is that SA has a correction report so I didn't have to play the guessing game; just read, correct and BINGO, my first article approved. I'm officially a writer according to SA....(although if it looked me up on IMDB it would see my screen credits)

Pretty good feeling actually. Article approved and another day in the 30 completed. Just one step closer to the pot of gold!

OK, WINDBAG, there must be a moral to the story....and there is!

1) Don't feel rejected, infected or deselected - take your lump and move on - it's not a big deal! It's not like SpongeBob died!!

2) Michael Jordan got cut from his high school basketball team. We all know the end to that story. What was his reaction? He worked harder and resolved to overcome the rejection. Here's his philosophy...

Don't bite it off all in one chunk. He analysed his defficiencies and corrected them. One thing at a time - first was his free throw, then his hook, then his jump shot etc.
It's like being on a diet - instead of trying to lose 50 lbs. - shoot for ten, then another ten etc. Bottom line is that your goals are smaller and more attainable. You have more victories and you feel better about yourself.

The same holds true for WA. Don't try to knock it off all at once. Take your time, learn it well. Then move on to the next topic. If you have a problem you need help with... ASK!!! You're not in it alone. Don't feel like you're not a success if you don't make a million overnight. Savor the little victories and move on. One day at a time.

Live well and prosper


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adamleo Premium
Well said big fella! Very true. Failures only temporary... Unless you give up!!
bigstevec Premium
and a donut without a hole is a danish (iborrowed that from ty webb, caddyshack) i don't know if it's relevant but it's funny
bigstevec Premium
thanks for the replies - sorry about SB - have a great day all
@RICH. Premium
SpongeBob died? Why am I learning this only now?
Renni Premium
Hahahahaha....Relax, Rich...'it's NOT like SB died!
ronamo Premium
Great advice, thanks
paci Premium
So right attitude, respect! A year ago, when i start this IM journey of mine, i don`have a
clue how to write English,then i make a decision... it takes what it takes - you have to learn how to write it! Here i am. Write in English language :)