Winning Isn't Important, Trust Me!

Last Update: July 03, 2012
Winning Isn't Important, Trust Me.

In this day and age, how can anyone make a comment like that. 'Winning isn't important, trust me'. Are you crazy? What the hell is the matter with you? You're off your rocker!.... I've heard it all. But in all my years as a coach, (almost forty now) most all of my kids and parents saw, understood and agreed with my philosophy. Herein lies the rub. There's nothing wrong with wanting to win. I don't teach kids to play any other way. I don't accept anything other than a winning attitude.


What I'm talking about is that all pervasive, win at all costs, losing is unacceptable attitude. That's bull! Kids are brainwashed into thinking that if they don't win; they're losers. Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!

'Wanting' to win and 'Winning at all costs' are two totally different mindsets. One means being the best that you can be and the other means that you're nothing if you're not first. Again, Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! Losing has it's share of lessons to teach us and it's important that kids learn how to lose gracefully. Losing teaches us humility. What's wrong with that....Losing teaches us that we don't know everything.....Losing teaches us that we have to work harder.... Work ethic....what's wrong with that.

BUT, what is of critical importance is the mastery of fundamentals. You master the fundamentals and the winning will come. Too many people want the instant gratification of winning but don't want to take the time learn and master all the basic elements. In the game of baseball you have to throw correctly or you won't get distance or velocity. And, if you don't throw correctly you also risk injuring your arm. If you want to be a good hitter, you must master the fundamentals of the proper swing.

My point is that no matter what you do, there are fundamental elements you must master before you can climb the mountain of success. At that point it's all a matter of how much effort you want to put into your journey. And yes it is a journey, not a destination. The same is true for WA. Being a newbie, I'm finding that the more I read, the more I need to read; the more I learn, the more I need to learn. (and it's awesome that there are so many people in the community willing to help) Before I can make a lot of money with IM, I need to master the fundamental elements to the point where they become ingrained in my thought pattern. I'm not in a rush to make tons of $$$. I am in a rush to learn this business to the best of my abilities...from the ground up. Then I can share my passion and PROFIT (not a dirty word) from it. I can help kids like I've always done, but now I can actually make money doing it.

In closing, learn the basics and put your nose to the grindstone. Attitude determines altitude. Learn your craft, learn it well and work your @#$ off. Hard work and determination coupled with a firm grounding in the fundamentals will make you a winner; consistently. Trust me.

Keep swinging the bat,

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TJ Books Premium
It's more like Earning than Winning. I think you said that in your way. John
I couldn't agree more
bigstevec Premium
thanks - i'm also a fishaholic - best part is i never have a hangover!!!!
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the boost in direction!
bigstevec Premium
thanks Shawn