Posts by Brotherjoseph 5
May 21, 2010
If you live in Arkansas and especially near Little Rock, there is a saying that goes around when someone has missed an opportunity. The saying is, "Remember FEDEX." Here is the rest of the story. Back in the late sixties and early seventies, when I was at the University  of Arkansas, there was a business student there from Arkansas that wrote a thesis on building a company to do overnight shipping. To us today, that sounds very reasonable but back then not so much.  In fact
April 17, 2010
I was in a restuarant recently and saw  this on the wall. IITYWIMWYGMAD? I asked the waitress what it meant and she said, "If I tell you what it means, will you give me a dollar? I gave her a dollar and she said thanks and walked away. Get it?
April 17, 2010
I have signed up to try to sell almost anything. Bubba relates a story that he heard back in the 70's. A big dog food manufacturer was having a sales meeting and the CEO was firing up the sales force. He yelled, "Is this the greatest company in the world?" The sales people shouted back, "Yes!" He yelled "Don't we have the greatest sales force in the world?" The sales people shouted back, "Yes!" The CEO kept going and had the sales force cheering and shou
I need to learn how to think on my feet. In dealing with most situations, the ability  to think on your feet is most beneficial. With the web constantly changing, this ability is a must. Let me relate this incident at the Possum Trot grocery store. Possum trot is about 10 miles north of here near Pigeon Roost. Now this store is famous for its watermelons and folks come from miles to buy them. Most people buy more than one. Bubba is the handyman there and he is responsible for stocking the
I now believe that proper mentoring is more important than anything as far as success goes. Two brothers, Herman and Joe decided to go into the trucking business in Arkansas.  Herman was the brains and Joe was the muscle. It so happened about the same time there was a drought in Colorado and many truckers were shipping hay to feed the cattle in Colorado. Now Herman, the brain part of the company worked out a deal to buy hay for $4.00 per bale and sell it for  $3.00 in Colorado. Joe scr
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