Bubbajoe needs a bigger truck!

Last Update: April 15, 2010

I now believe that proper mentoring is more important than anything as far as success goes.

Two brothers, Herman and Joe decided to go into the trucking business in Arkansas.  Herman was the brains and Joe was the muscle. It so happened about the same time there was a drought in Colorado and many truckers were shipping hay to feed the cattle in Colorado.

Now Herman, the brain part of the company worked out a deal to buy hay for $4.00 per bale and sell it for  $3.00 in Colorado. Joe scratched his head and asked how in the world would this work.  Herman convinced Joe that he did not understand economics and Joe worked diligently one week and hauled 1000 bales to Colorado. 

They sat down to see how much money they made and discovered they had lost $1500.  Joe asked again, how in the world is this going to work.  Herman explained to Joe that he was ignorant of economics and to trust him. Herman said it was obvious the problem was Joe had not made enough trips.

Joe worked at 120% the next week and hauled 1500 bales to Colorado.  Again they sat down and discovered now they had lost $2000 for that week. Joe again asked, how in the world is this going to work?  Herman started to reexplain how simple minded Joe was. Finally, after this lengthy speech Herman stated. Joe; it is  obvious what is wrong. We have to get a bigger truck!

And speaking from my experience, I have been buying bigger trucks rather than looking at the basics.  I believe WA courses will correct some of that.  


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jatdebeaune Premium
Hahaha... Great story! Yes, you just need a simple "right" truck and good economics.