Remember FEDEX

Last Update: May 21, 2010

If you live in Arkansas and especially near Little Rock, there is a saying that goes around when someone has missed an opportunity.

The saying is, "Remember FEDEX."

Here is the rest of the story.

Back in the late sixties and early seventies, when I was at the University  of Arkansas, there was a business student there from Arkansas that wrote a thesis on building a company to do overnight shipping.

To us today, that sounds very reasonable but back then not so much.  In fact his Professors thought it was a very dumb and bad idea, and tried to encourage him to come up with an idea that would be more successful.

After he left the University, he approached the Airport Authority in Little Rock and asked them to build another runway for his company that he was going to start called "FEDEX" to handle overnight shipping.

The folks in Little Rock laughed him off.

He then went to Memphis and approached the Memphis Airport authorities with the same request and they granted him his request.

And so FEDEX was created and Memphis became the hub.

Little Rock considered the opportunity of 100 years to be laughable and in the end became laughed at by the folks in Memphis.

To this day when an opportunity knocks anywhere near here, someone will say "Remember FEDEX" and then take a second look.

I posted this because, I used to laugh at all my solicitation emails coming in as junk mail and then I remembered FEDEX and took a second look.

And guess what? 

I recently found a tremendous opportunity right there in my inbox and I purchased the plan and I tell you I am very happy.






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