About Brownie54
Joined June 2010
I am retired from the auto industry and have been trying to make money online for sometime now. I have a strong love for animals and presently own two dobermans, two cockatiels and 29 ducks. I am married and my husband thank goodness likes animals also.
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iFaith Premium
Added you as buddy - looking forward to getting to know you. You live near Niagra Falls - on my list to visit - luck you!
Brownie54 Premium
Thanks and luck to you also! I also buddied you back.
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm with you. Also love animals. Thanks for the invite. Wish you all the best making IM pay off. I think keeping it simple is the answer. We all tend to over-complicate.
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA! Let me know if I can help with anything and feel free to add me as a buddy.
Sherion Premium
Great, let me know if I can be of any help.
Brownie54 Premium
Thanks Sherion for the welcome and I have added you as my buddy.
RocketRick Premium
Hi Maureen.... Got your reply and have added you as a buddy. As you've probably noticed the search feature in WA Spaces does not function at all... I posted a query in the forum and was told of a work around... you can go to My WA then WA Gold and at the very bottom right hand side is a search box... enter someones user name there and hit the search button.... their profile and pic will then appear and on the right hand side you can select add as buddy. All very confusing but at least it works. Hopefully someone is working on getting the proper search feature fixed sooner rather than later.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family