Problems Already

Last Update: August 17, 2011

So I am starting over and have already run into a snag.  I totally disagree with the first part of the training that asks you to send emails to friends basically promoting WA.  First I really do not know anyone that is interested in making money online and secondly I do not think it is right to promote something that you yourself has had no success with.

Maybe I should try the thirty day club.


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sherbet penny Premium
Hi Maureen, when I started that plan over a year ago I just marked that I had emailed people and moved on to the next level, remember, you do not have to do this but I do suggest you stick with the course and finish it, it really did help me progress and I am still here over a year doing quite well. Just skip this part, choose a niche you are really interested in and will be able to write a lot about as this helps alot and keeps you focused and interested. The action plan is a great place to start but I do not like the email your family/friends part but it can be skipped.
dataplextech Premium
The "make money online" niche is hard. Find a niche that you can really throw yourself into (ducks?).
Sherion Premium
Hey there, I was also thinking the same way you are. What could I do to help someone and I was new to this too and my friends are not into this IM either.. So, just to follow along with the exercise and to be sure my link worked and also in case I was going to need it someday, I sent myself and email to one of my other email accounts. That way I checked it all out. Best Wishes to You. Sherion
Naganco Premium
I felt the same way about promoting WA to friends and family right out of the gate and still haven't done so. I took a look at your site and Googled your keyword. It comes up on the second page, so congratulations there. I bet if you used the 30 day club ideas you could get it to the first. I'm starting over too, so if you want support/suggestions/to work through it together, just let me know. Good luck!
klrrider Premium
Nothing wrong with feeling that way. I had no success for the first couple of years and I think it was because I concentrated to much on the "make money online" market, including WA. All my friends and family think I am crazy and chasing rainbows, even now that I am making some bank. I can see it in their eyes if I even mention anything about online marketing. I decided to promote other things and have had a lot easier time getting conversions. Wish you the best and keep your chin up!