No Justice for Jonny Justice
Do you remember Michael Vik's pitbull Jonny Justice that was rescued from the fighting kennels of Michael Vik? Anyway 12 months after his rescue he became a certified service dog and was working in a library. He would lay or sit patiently as young children read aloud to improve their reading skills.
The librarian however, banned pitbulls from the program stating that some parents had concerns. Advocates for Jonny and other pitbulls mounted a challenge since in California breeds cannot be singled out for anything other than spay and neutered programs.
So how did this library handled this challenge? Well of course they just cancelled the program. A program that was helping children was cancelled because of people's lack of knowledge and unfounded fears.
Although the program was run by the Humane Society and they did supply the dogs to the library the library is the one who ended up cancelling the program which was called Paws for Tales.
When are we going to learn or are we?