3 Considerations for Making Stable Internet Income

Last Update: June 13, 2010

Today I'd like to share with you a few facts that have served me well when it comes to making a consistent income online. I hope you find value in the insights and that they serve you as well as they have served me.

Fact One: The amount of money that you make from the Internet, regardless of the program, is determined by the following 4 part formula

[Traffic] x [Conversion rate] x [$ per customer] x [# of transactions]

Fact Two: If any part of the formula is zero, then what you earn will be zero.

Fact Three: The effectiveness of your marketing message is directly related to how easy it is for your target prospect to understand from what you are saying in your ad copy (written, audio, or video) that by accepting your offer, and taking action to apply the value that your offer delivers, the problem they are experiencing can be solved.

Not that complicated is it?

I’ll have more to say on these facts in future posts.

For now, I encourage you to consider the facts I’ve presented, and think about how they might impact your current Internet business building efforts, and the results you’re currently getting.

Your thoughts are welcome!

Until we correspond again,

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simoncowan Premium
Very good post....!
Xena Premium
I like it! Thanks!
ana_nimoss Premium
Very useful, indeed. Thank you.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you. I often need to be reminded that there is a logical formula to have better control over the process. I'm always tempted to shoot from the hip. With analysis, IM can be predictable and therefore more profitable. Appreciate your blog.
maureenhannan Premium
I like the simplicity and the irrefutable math behind your post. And the focus on problem-solving rather than hype/drivel Thanks--this is good stuff! Look forward to reading the next posts ~ Maureen