I Love Money ... THIS MUCH!

Last Update: December 08, 2009

Okay WA

Today is Tuesday, December 8, and I am tired.  I'm still working hard, but trying not to burn out on everything. 

What is getting to me is that it takes so much time, to get things set up, and in place to make this money.  

 Here's what I have figured out:

1.  You need a bio page that you can send people to
2.  You need your OWN domain. Because when you start writing articles and    submitting to the major sites like Ezine Articles and Associated Content, they will not accept your articles with affiliate links in them. (LIVE AND LEARN)
3.  You need a blog of YOUR OWN, so you can write posts to increase backlinks to your Squidoo Lenses, etc.
4.  And you need some kind of little niche site, or website about some aspect of affiliate marketing to sort of serve as a base of operations for all of your affiliate products.
5.  To really get a jump on article submission, it's good to have an automatic submitter,BUT IT CAN BE DONE MANUALLY.  But, it takes a H--- of a lot of time to do.

 So, responding to all of the above, I'll bet I have put in non-stop hours just trying to get set up.  I downloaded a free article submitter, and spent about 8 hours yesterday, just signing up to submit articles to them.  BOY WAS THAT A DRAG!  But, it's done.

I read several training modules in Wealthy Affiliate... until my eyes grew fatigued, and I just HAD to stop.

I got a long way toward completing my main site, which I call Affiliate Sizzle.

I also set up my own FREE Article Submission Site, JoinandPost.com, which is now LIVE and ready to have articles submitted to it, INCLUDING MY OWN.

I read on market research, because I still am not sure about what the most important aspects are about researching the market.

I'm still trying to "tweak" my affiliate website.  And It's moving slowly along.  I guess the main reason why I am so pre-occupied with this, is because I hate to write and submit articles, without really having somewhere to send people, where I can expose them to my offers.  I wanted to have them localized in one place, on one site.  

So, there you have it. 

Otherwise, Life is a bowl of cherries.




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