Just popped in to say hello

Last Update: January 02, 2010

Hi to all my WA buddies:

Been a while since I posted on my WA space.  Thought it was time I checked in with you, and updated you on what I'm doing.  I haven't disappeared from the face of the earth --  not just yet.

 I have still been working my behind off -- But, I just had to slow down.  Because I've figured out that quality beats quantity, and speed does not necessarily always mean accuracy.  So, I have put on the breaks.   I'm trying to concentrate more now on the quality of my work versus quantity and speed.  

After I posted (braggingly) about having made "Expert Author Status" on Ezine Articles, I was promptly SUSPENDED because of a mix-up.  The truth of the matter is that -- when you're new to something --  it's hard keeping all these rules separated as you work to produce these articles.  And, all that stuff just started running together, and I found myself violating a lot of rules -- however not intentionally.   In addition, I got a Squidoo lens locked for publishing a lens about the WRONG TOPIC (duuh!). 

So, I  knew it was time for me to step back from it all, and just re-assess and take my time and try to do this right.   After some negotiating, I did get
EzineArticles.com to see things my way, and they  agreed to reinstate my account.   So, thus far, I have had articles published on ezinearticles.com, associated content.com, goarticles.com, and afroarticles.com.  

But, right now I'm still not sure what my status is with Squidoo.  Now what I've taken away from all of these is that before I post anything ANYWHERE, I just need to go back and briefly review their posting guidelines, so I can keep my nose clean and stay out of trouble.  I cannot emphasize this enough.

Anyways -- You Live and learn.  

Also, since I last posted here, I have joined the Super Affiliate Challenge, because I realize that this is where the real money is -- and also this is where you really get the intensive training for google, bing, and yahoo Pay-Per-Click advertising.  So, I've dived into that aspect of marketing along with the article marketing.  

After joining the Super Affiliate Challenge, I really jumped into Pay-Per-Click, so my challenge at this point is trying to learn how to drill those keywords down to pin-point accuracy to help me find a niche.  Now, boy you talk about a real challenge.  It IS MORE THAN A NOTION!!   The first thing is that it really requires some very very deep thought and analysis of the market -- and what they are looking for!  I have literally spent hours and hours and hours looking for my niche.  Haven't found it yet.  But, I'm working on it.   But, to tell the truth, I'm still wrestling with the concept of the niche, because the niche as we are being trained here, is not the niche as I always understood it -- so it calls for a real paradigm shift in my thinking.  That's what I've been struggling with. 

Meantime, I have really learned a lot in the Site Rubix modules.  Even though I've actually built a lot of websites, and done a lot of graphic design work, I have learned so many short-cuts, and strategies that help me to be more efficient in my site building.   Everything new thing I learn leaves me hating I hadn't discovered Wealthy Affiliate years ago. 

I have really gotten better at writing marketing articles -- but, just getting articles approved at one point became an "exercise in hair-pulling."  But, I'm finally getting a feel for the kind of stuff these article-marketing sites are actually looking for.  (All this time, I was thinking that I was still in college working on my Masters) ... bad assumption.  Your writing must be short, simple and to the precise.  They don't want you submitting a scholarly research paper.  They want your creative composition in a very simple, conversational type format-- so, all you have to do is share your knowledge or expertise on a subject you are passionate about, and you'll be fine.

Haven't REALLY made many sales per say, but what has happened, is that I've learned how to drive traffic with article marketing, and get people to go to your site.  Right now, article marketing has proven to be the best thing smoking for me.   So, I'm going to hang in here with that as I master Pay Per Click advertising. 

Okay.  That's enough for now.

See you on the other side.


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