It's been a "Super Sunday"

Last Update: November 22, 2009

Today is Sunday.  It's a day to kick back and chill out, and just reflect back on all the blessings that have come my way.  

I am so thankful to be a Wealthy Affiliate because I am learning how to change my direction and my life.

I know that I am a smart, intelligent and talented individual, and I will transform each of those attributes into assets that can be put to work to help me reach my goals.

Today has been an awesome day, and the week has been an awesome week, because I believe I perservered in digging through all the crap that's out there, and getting down to the heart of affiliate marketing, and I am mastering it.

When I started out (the day I joined WA) I didn't think it was possible.  I thought I was too old to start something new;  I thought my brain was slowing down, and I no longer had the mental capacity to master all these new skills, but, TODAY, I am totally ON FIRE, for the opportunities that I foresee as a result of being a part of Acme-People-Search, and Wealthy Affiliate. 

In the past 7 days, I have joined numerous affiliate programs, read a ton of informational books and products designed to help me lean how to succeed at it, attended two or three webinars, watched videotapes, written marketing articles, and re-organized my websites.  

Thursday evening, I participated in an awesome  "meet-up" for new members of WA.  And today, I spent the day reflecting on everything I have learned, and organizing my thoughts, and mentally outlining a plan of action.

7 days ago, I didn't even know what my goals were, nor how to achieve them.
7 days ago, I knew what affiliate marketing was, but didn't know how to do it NOR HOW TO START.

But, today, because of Wealthy Affiliate, I believe I know the direction that I need to move in, and I'm already on my way.

Thank you God for this day, and all the favorable days ahead.  I pray for favor for all of those who are struggling and striving to better themselves and their lives through these collective marketing efforts.


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