Posts by Cjlperson1 5
March 09, 2011
I received a message from Commission Junction.   "Dear Christina, You are receiving this email because your Commission Junction publisher account has not generated any valid commissions during the last five months. Commission Junction is committed to maintaining a dynamic and productive marketplace. Consequently, per the Publisher Service Agreement, we regularly deactivate accounts that are not actively earning commissions and do not have a sufficient balance amount. Your account
January 02, 2011
Does anyone have a good way of keeping all the passwords organized?  I thought I had a good system but it is not working.  My problem is mostly with the google accts. ie:  blogger, adwords, gmail, adsense.  Can these all be the same password? Please buddy me!    
December 17, 2010
My dad was going to order my step mom a Kindle so I set up a blog, attached an Amazon store with my Amazon tracking code.  Sent him the link to my blog and he is going to order from there.  Would you consider that cheating?  Please comment.
December 06, 2010 while looking around WA site I found Pixote's blog where he has set up a Chat room and a Member locator map for WA members only.  I have posted the link in the forum below for the chatroom.  It is one of the very last posts on the page due to some tweeking of the site. He also, has a map set up so we can see if anyone near us is a WA member.  I think this is great!  To be a
June 14, 2010
Hello all!  I am the mother of an 18 year old daughter who is going on 30(she thinks) and  I am married to a man who I have been with for many years.  We live in Texas and have been here all our lives.  Love it here and can't imagine living anywhere else.  I wanted to get into AM because every JOB I have had since 2002 has been horrible, usually due to bad management.  Plus, I am very fascinated by the concept.  When I first heard that people could make money o