Is it considered cheating???

Last Update: December 17, 2010

My dad was going to order my step mom a Kindle so I set up a blog, attached an Amazon store with my Amazon tracking code.  Sent him the link to my blog and he is going to order from there.  Would you consider that cheating?  Please comment.

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DABK Premium
It would be cheating if you broker some rule. But there's no rule against recommending a product or store to family members. If it were, my sister-in-law would have never tasted the great ice cream at the Creamery on Waukegan. I'd have cheated her had I not recommended that store to her.
magistudio Premium
A customer is a customer.. It doesn't matter if they are related to you or not ==> I think your honesty is simply awesome!
jatdebeaune Premium
I think it's good to recruit family and friends as customers. I buy from my own site once in a while just to make sure the links are working.
prinker Premium
No way; I think that was a great idea. I was considering doing something similar; I have a squidoo page with Amazon links and was going to use it to purchase something for my daughter for Christmas, but I was scared it might be against Amazon's rules.
WRI Premium
No I would say that was smart!