Posts by DABK 113
Google will like it if it knew who put up every page on the internet.  Presumably because it would know who to trust and who not to trust (after a while).  Here's the link of how they want you to do it:  The question is, if you're new to putting up websites and do something to earn Google's distrust, is there a way to 'rehabilitate' yourself?  Google's mum on the subject.  I'm going to go on a limb and
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Read the article.  It's about Google wanting to rank higher pages where the author has a Google profile.  Read, then let me know your thoughts.
I came across an interesting article.  Here's the url:
Read article; some funny, scary, exciting stuff might come down the pike.  Also; Google swears they're nothing but cute, cuddly babies. 2.5 pennies for your thoughts, so share them right below, where it says comments.  You know how that works, right?
A site of mine that's 9 months old was ranking 6 and 11 for the top keywords, getting me 25-30 (new) visitors a month.  I'd watched it rank 78 and 92, then 64 and 80, then stall at 21 and 29, then go again (11 and 17), then 6 and 11. Then, 2 weeks ago, I'm 176 and 195.  Stayed like that till yesterday.  Yesterday, I was ranking  7 and 13.  Except that keyword 1 is now ranking lower (13) and keyword 2 is ranking higher (7).  Yesterday, I got 10 new visits.  
9 comments I created a blog on this site at 6 this morning.  Put up one post with 3 backlinks to one of the sites that interests me.  I finished at 6:17.  At 6:18 I pinged it ( and  At 6:55, it was indexed.
I thought I'd create a lens and get a couple of backlinks from yet another ip.  I thought, why not squidoo.  I created the lens, hit publish and got a message that I'm either connecting to a blacklisted domain or else I have too many links to the same domain. Since the domain in questions is a mere baby, not even 3 months old and this is its first encounter with Squidoo, it wouldn't be barred.  Since I have only 3 links in the lens, I don't have more than 9 (their limit).  So
Just thought I'd share this one with you.  I got a message in my email box.  It said, Congratulations!  Your article has been approved.  And I'd be jumping up with joy, of course, except I forgot I submitted it.  Turns out I submitted it on the 23rd of February this year.  To Article Dashboard.  Do I have a reason to jump up with joy?  They let me use 3 backlinks.  But, sheeeeeesh!  Today is May 12th!  What's this world coming to?