Posts by DABK 113
Mayor Bloomberg's war on sugar.If his goal was to make people think about what they drink, he's succeeded. But I think his goal was to make people thinner. At that he's going to fail... though, indirectly, over a long period of time, he might win.Right now, it definitely looks like he picked the wrong battle. Given all the resources at his disposal, you'd think he might have chosen a batter way to run his war, or a better war.What's that got to do with marketing?Lots.I'
I get a lot of spam. One day it's offers to buy Viagra, the next is to buy Rolex Replicas. Or, maybe, it's Viagra for 3 days and the watches the next 3 days. They never come the same day.So, what would I do if I found myself in need of a Rolex knockout and have a hot date the same day?And now the serious question: do you think Viagra and Rolex Replicas are in collusion, breaking some anti-trust law? I mean, how does Viagra know to come only on the days Rolex is away?A penny and a hal
My contract with a client expired on the 12th of February. He did not want to renew. I took his website from making him $0 to making him a few thousand a month. But, he figured, most of what I did for him was get him backlinks. And he could do that too.Sometime in April, he approached me to hire me again. I'd like his money but, being busy, I did not get back to him right away. Then, when I had time to deal with him, I thought I'd first check what had happened to his site since I s
In case you did not know it, there's a law that prevents the US government from using propaganda on/against US citizens. These days, our beloved senators, bless their little hearts, are thinking that's no good. They want to lift the ban. They want us to be lied to. Because, you see, politicians have, until now, been such straight shooters that the country's going down the toilet.Here's the link to an article on the subject:[url]
I read an article about affiliate marketing, the scammy kind. Some big names are mentioned. If you want to know one of the reasons you're having a hard time marketing some types of products, read the article. It's sick what some people do and call affiliate marketing. Here's the link:[url][/url]What do you think?
Guy wants new customers. I talk to him about a method that gets a client of mine 27 good leads a week for only $400 a week, so $14.8/lead. My guy’s used to paying $16.5. Guy’s answer: I don’t have anyone to convert that many leads! But he wants new customers. Based on his conversion rates, he'd need some 250 new leads to get the amount of extra new customers he wants. Obviously, he’s not going to be one of my clients. But he did make me laugh (not to his face,
I got an email from this morning.  It's approved and distributed an article I submitted to them on 01/28/2011.  Go Isnare! It seemed like a good idea pre-Panda.  And promised my article will be up in a matter of days.  I thought 5-10 days, they thought 500 days.  But the time can, indeed, be counted in days. The thing is, a lot of the articles I did submit to at the end of 2010, beginning of 2011 did get posted within a reasonable
Today, off-line clients have gotten on my nerves. Client 1, hired me Feb 2010.  He had a 3 year old website that was getting 150-350 hits a month.  In 3 years no one bought.  I said I'd turn his website into a selling machine and drive traffic to it, so he'll make at least twice the sales he'd been making (I found out later he had none, that he'd lied at first).  At any time, after 6 months, if he did not like the results, I'd give his money back, put
May 02, 2012
A few days ago, I posted about two of my sites losing top positions.  And about me being confused as to what Google was doing. Today, I write to reiterate my confusion and add another reason why I'm confused: Traffic is up on the two sites that were hit.  Since they lost position, they get some 25% more unique visitors.  I checked positions again... not in the top 10 pages.  I looked at the keywords people were using to get to my sites... The ones that used to be on
Nissan, the car company once known as Datsun, has sued a Mr. Nissan for having the nerve to have a family name of Nissan. Nissan, the man, existed before Nissan, the company existed.  And he's an entrepreneur who has two websites: and  And a couple of companies, which, like so many others, he named after himself. Nissan, the company, till 1994 known as Datsun, takes umbrage to Mr. Nissan's using his fami