About DanielleT
Joined June 2009
Hi, my name is Danielle and I am 56 and gardening my heart out in the province of Quebec while it is possible and where I try my best to start an online business. I am married with 4 cats (no children) and I wish to mingle with a lot of people in this space.
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DanielleT Premium
You can count me in as buddy.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
DanielleT Premium
Bonjour du Québec... I just joined WA and I wish that this IT!!! Been searching IM on the internet for about 6 months and am very driven to make it on the said internet. Been "leured" by almost all the GURUS. Now is the time for me to change attitude, make it happen and stop drowning into information overload. I am thirsty for knowledge and I absolutely want to find my voice and my passion. Will appreciate all the help that I can get from WA and all its members. Hoping for a sense of community and a helping hand. Have a terrific day
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Danielle,

I can relate to information overload from the gurus. That's how I started out as well. And after they've told you that their amazing course is all you need they then promote more and more 'helpful' stuff to you.

Of course there are lots of different ways to make money, but I am happy that I've now decided on one method and running with it.

Glad to hear of your Ezine Article success!!! Congratulations and all the best
Internetgranny Premium
Hello again, Danielle,

Thank you for your reply. I'm also busy gardening at the moment.
I've added you as a buddy so I don't 'lose' you. Will keep in touch.
DanielleT Premium
Hi Isabella Internet Granny Thank you for stopping by and introduce yourself. This is funny that you would use Internet Granny for your alias. I wanted to use memeboomer because in French, meme means granny but in English, I thought that it would be confusing and would be interpreted as I I (me me). So I stucked with my first name. Your photos are inspiring and I hope we stay in touch and report our progress. Have a magnificent day.
RainBowz Premium
Welcome to the WA Community. Best wishes and good luck.
DanielleT Premium
Thank you Dorraine for the welcome message. Wish you the best and hope to stay in contact with you. Have a wonderful day.