Posts by Danwarfdrope 5
December 02, 2011
Well, it has been a long while since I have posted here on my blog. I cant believe it, but I am on the eve of my 2 year anniversary here at WA. How time flies. Let me give you a brief run down of what has happened so far: 1. I started with Squidoo and One Week Marketing. I made a sale after about 6 weeks. And quite a few more after that. 2. I build out a review website based on my online experiences and entreprenuerial adventures. It sux and you can still see it here: http://home-business-revie
August 15, 2010
Gday Ladies and Gents, I havent blogged for a while so just wanted to give you guys an update on how I am doing, for those who care! I have had to go back to the 9-5 which kinda sucks, however I have been lucky with my new role and am enjoying it for the time being. My IM has stalled a little bit, but its mainly because I have been working on a few new campaigns and other bits and pieces. I have seen results, and have made a lot of sales. But overall I am definitely down when you take into accou
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December 22, 2009
Well its been a pretty steep learning curve - i knew nothing about internet marketing 3 weeks ago. Now? Well I know a little more, but not much. i have been putting about 8hrs in per day, and now it seems internet marketing is haunting my dreams. I cant sleep as i see this as a way out of the rat race, and it excites me!   My first campaign on 'Jump programs' (I am a sucker for that as been playing basketball all my life) is not doing so well. I have written 10 articles, 3 blogs, made 10 l
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December 11, 2009
Hi Peeps,   Just wanted to give you a quick update on my first week here at WA. Its been very challenging, and confusing, but I feel I am starting tomake sense of what is actually going on now. FINALLY. I have finished my first 8 lens (well the first draft anyway) and submitted 9 articles to E-zine. They keep coming back and rejecting them, which is a bit painful - but i just keep plugging away. Hopefully one of them will be approved soon. My Lenses arent indexed yet, so its takin
December 02, 2009
Well, here I am! Joined up about 10 minutes ago and wanted to post a quick blog... As discussed in my profile I am looking for a way to increase cashflow to supplement my other businesses. i am heavily involved in property within the UK, as well as a couple of other smaller ones which are just getting off the ground. I have a lot of good ideas but are concerned i am spreading myself too thinly! I have a few websites... One is for my french property. Check it out at we a
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