Just joined!

Last Update: December 02, 2009

Well, here I am! Joined up about 10 minutes ago and wanted to post a quick blog...

As discussed in my profile I am looking for a way to increase cashflow to supplement my other businesses. i am heavily involved in property within the UK, as well as a couple of other smaller ones which are just getting off the ground. I have a lot of good ideas but are concerned i am spreading myself too thinly!

I have a few websites... One is for my french property. Check it out at www.chasseguey15.com we are doing holiday lets in Normandy as the place was finished renovations a few months ago. Its been a success and very popular - but renos were expensive so its more of an expensive labour of love for us.

My main passion outside of business is basketball. I have been playing for years, and it has takend me all over the world. I have decided to start a recruitment agency called 'eurosportsrecruitment'. The website is just being finalised as I am writing this. It makes sense really as I know alot of people looking to play professionally all over the world.

I have been out of work for about 2 months now - well voluntarily... Its been a tough road and cash reserves are dwindling. But I remain upbeat and have knocked back two job offers to get back to the 9-5... I hope I dont regret it!  I will keep you posted.

If anyone in the UK wants to chat about property i can definitely give some free advice - i love talking shop! I have been buying and selling over the past 6 years and feel i am becoming a bit of an expert!

I look forward to hearing from you all.

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danwarfdrope Premium
Hi Brian, I just read your comment! I didnt even know it was there. Would be very cool to chat to you in more detail. I dont know about starting a whole new league just yet - but its good to dream big! Will send you a PM. Dan