Almost 3 weeks in!

Last Update: December 22, 2009

Well its been a pretty steep learning curve - i knew nothing about internet marketing 3 weeks ago. Now? Well I know a little more, but not much. i have been putting about 8hrs in per day, and now it seems internet marketing is haunting my dreams. I cant sleep as i see this as a way out of the rat race, and it excites me!


My first campaign on 'Jump programs' (I am a sucker for that as been playing basketball all my life) is not doing so well. I have written 10 articles, 3 blogs, made 10 lenses, pinged, RSS'd the whole works! No sales yet- and to be honest I dont think I am anywhere close. I have made plenty of mistakes, however I am a bit disappointed that there has been no sales. I believe my keyword research hasnt been good enough. I think I have been greatly held up by Ezine and how long it takes to approve a freakin' article! Check out

I reckon its pretty good! And was the final one I completed. At least I know how to make a good lens!


My second and third campaign are both about 1/2 way through and not really up and running yet. I would like to think i am learning and believe that these will make some sales. I am trying a few different methods, one is using a website which I am setting up, and the other is referring to a website which doesnt appear as hop link. So no squidoo for the time being.


I just dont know how this is going to pan out... For my sake, it hope it starts getting better for me in the next few weeks! I have put alotr of time and effort in - and my hands are starting to hurt from all the typing!

Would love to hear your thoughts guys!




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sox1n05 Premium
Hang in there man. The holidays really suck for information products. Keep at the lenses, blogs and articles. Don't quit this works. The holidays are rough. Keep cranking and you will be position yourself nicely when things pick up again!