So It Begins

Last Update: January 04, 2010

Re-dedication starts today.

So this past year has been the best year of my life by far and I imagine this year will top that.

I moved out of my amazing apartment in the city of Chicago to live out in the middle of nowhere, basically back home with my parents.  You would think I'd be upset, living in isolation compared to the crowdedness that is the city, but I am really excited for the next chapter of my life.

 The purpose of my move was to really focus on this....Internet Marketing.  Crazy, I know but success is going to happen and I am going to move back.

 So I'm going to be involved as I have ever been and work my ass off to see some real success here.  My goal is to get involved with WA and get my moneys worth here, and hopefully make all of my action transparent by being honest and seeking help when needed.

So feel free to say hi, and good luck to everybody!  You'll be hearing a lot more from me from now on. 


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Larita8 Premium
This is my first day also and I am with you. I am going to give it my all and at least I will learn what it is all about. Good Luck!
Dargent Premium
Thanks guys good luck to you all too!
idm Premium
Good to hear you'll be working more on your goals here. Make this year better than the last. :)
sox1n05 Premium
That's awesome actually. I'm from Chicago and HATE that place!

Actually it's great that you're going to re-focus yourself and get moving in the right direction. Moving back home is a VERY small price to pay for sustained success.

Best of luck and keep us posted!