Writing For The Trash

Last Update: April 18, 2010

I've recently started seeing some breakthroughs with my perfectionist, ADD tendencies that are always keep me from taking action.

 "Writing For The Trash" is something I heard from Tony Robbins in his Ultimate Edge product, that I started applying to everything I've done...and it's worked wonders.

"Writing For The Trash" is something I apply to every single campaign I start on, every website I build and every article I write.  Instead of trying to make everything perfect, I just start creating, no matter how awful it looks or sounds.  Let me say that again, no matter how awful it looks or sounds.  I refuse to place judgment on anything that comes out of the old noggin. 

That means that sometimes I write brilliant articles, sometimes they are awful and they do go in the trash.  Most of the time they are not perfect but they can be edited, modified and re-wrote into some pretty quality content.  The same goes with my websites and this blog post.

And believe me I have issues with inaction.  

I actively avoid things that I don't think I can do perfectly.  I will rationalize and justify reasons why I am not getting things finished.  Work goes undone because it won't be super-high quality.  I imagine we all kinda deal with this stuff.

The ironic point of it all is that the only way you are going to end up make phenomenal high quality content is by making lots and lots of sub-par to average content.  It's not much different from practicing a golf swing over and over, or free throws.

So if you're having trouble try it out and see if it helps.


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Dargent Premium
"Just not be precious about anything"...I like how that sounds. I tend to make things way too precious lol
jatdebeaune Premium
I think you have to just not be precious about anything. Write freely, make several articles on the same subject, then pick out the best ones to publish. You can be more spontaneous that way.