About Dargent
Joined October 2009
I am a 24 un-employed cool resident of the great city of Chicago. This stuff is totally new to me but I'm excited to be here!
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sox1n05 Premium
Yeah - keep my goals in stone. I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE NEVER POSTED THAT!

So are you from Chicago? I grew up there and HATED it!

Anyway, hang tight man. So long as you keep at it each and everyday, something is bound to click.

Oh, by the way, you have something on your cheek...
Dargent Premium
haha I grew up in the suburbs which never quite pleased me as much as the city did. I guess it's just not for everybody. Where are you living now anyways?

Thanks for the encouragement man. It's cool to see other people who have some success, it's very inspiring.
Slugger_mn Premium
Haha, Yea.. I am a baseball player.. we get hate.. Specially pitchers.. haha So yea.. True!
Louise M. Premium
Ah you know what ? when I speak English, i have an american accent and american people I meet in Paris think i'm from Chicago ! But i've never been there ! lol :)
Louise M. Premium
no only in english. Actually I didn't even check if affiliate programs exist in french. I guess so but... if they do, I'm sure I have way more opportunity in english because I can target much more customers ! so I stick to it also 'cause WA is in english and I love this language. Actually I can't even talk about internet marketing in French lol it's funny when I try to explain to my friends or someone I just met what i do online, it's pretty difficult, only the english words come to my mind lol. :)
Louise M. Premium
Yep ! Definitely ! :)
Dargent Premium
Moi aussi! haha So do you affiliate market in english or french or both? I was actually thinking of affiliate marketing in french but don't quite have the language skills.
Dargent Premium
That is funny. I have a hard time explaining what I do to my friends too, in english. Well good luck with your business and we'll stay in touch with our business success.
Dargent Premium
That is funny. I have a hard time explaining what I do to my friends too, in english. Well good luck with your business and we'll stay in touch with our business success.
Dargent Premium
Yeah definitely. The hardest part about all this is working efficiently...and being organized helps me do that. Good luck to ya man
idm Premium
Thanks for commenting on the video, if you get organized from the start you'll have a better chance of not getting burnout.