Affiliate Niche Club – Limiting Membership Numbers

Last Update: October 08, 2009

Well, it had to happen I guess. The price of ANC went up today and I told everyone about it a few days back.

Anyone who got in before the increase took effect was grandfathered in at the old price for life.

Result. A veritable swamping of last minute applications.

Great and welcome aboard!

All our reports cover profitable niches, we are in these niches, our members are in these niches. There’s room for competition, for sure. These are big deep niches and we give you lots of angles on how to profit from them.

BUT…We want our members to have the maximum competitive edge.

So, we are limiting our membership numbers and we are now close to that limit.

Once filled, we close the gate!

How close we are to the limit, you can track on the home page.

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