Mastering Wordpress - Free Guides

Last Update: October 21, 2009

We’ve had quite a few people ask how we have put together the ANCsite using Wordpress. How have we managed to have the home page as thefirst page. How the home page does not have the sidebars, etc.

People also ask us about which Plug-ins we use, how we use the Flexibility theme and widgets, etc.

In addition people want us to reveal our SEO secrets…

Well, it’s now time to reveal all.

What I’m going to do over the next couple of weeks is put together three guides on using Wordpress with the Flexibility theme.

This will be their broad outline and scope:-

Wordpress Wonder – Module 1 (Beginner)

  1. Installing Wordpress
  2. Setting up Email accounts / Contact form
  3. Installing and using Flexibility
  4. Using Plug-ins
  5. Basic site structure

Wordpress Wonder – Module 2 (Intermediate)

  1. Using Flexibility – Home / Blog seperation
  2. Advanced Plug-ins
  3. XML site map / webmastertools/ GA
  4. Intermediate Site Structure

Wordpress Wizard- Module 3 (Advanced)

  1. Installing WP WITHOUT using Fantastico
  2. Double WP install / one page landers
  3. Using re-direct pages
  4. Advanced Site Structure
  5. SEO
  6. Tracking

I hope at the end of the series you will no longer be in the dark onweb-site design and structure and that for you a beacon will well andtruly have been lit!

Stay tuned for updates!

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