Wordpress Wonder – Module #2 – It’s FREE!

Last Update: October 29, 2009

The second module of our series of guides on using Wordpress is now available.

This is the Intermediate module so if you are looking to do that little bit more with WP this is for you!

This module covers:-

  1. Adding a ‘Home’ page
  2. Multiple Page website design
  3. Adding Images
  4. Using Advanced Plug-ins
  5. Adding an Opt-in form
  6. Using The Flexibility Feature Sections
  7. Adding A Privacy Policy
  8. Adding A Footer Menu

Head on over to the ANC Blog to Download it.

Module #3 is now available to ANC Members.

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Bigman Premium
Thanks for the second guide Dave, will come in handy as I have been having a few problems with my Blog.