FlexOffers Affiliate Program

Last Update: January 12, 2010

Hey, just wanted to give you a heads up about the FlexOffers affiliate program. Many of you may have heard of it already and could well be using it. If so great, if not check them out.


It’s kinda like a mini Commission Junction. In fact quite a lot of CJ Merchants are also available on FlexOffers.

And there’s tip #1. If you have already tried and failed to get approval from a CJ Merchant, try again via FlexOffers…

But wait! With FlexOffers you must first submit your sites for approval. That’s right you do need a website and I suggest you make it a good one.

Then once your site is approved you can apply for your chosen merchant. And guess what? We think this pre-approval process makes it far easier to get approved by the merchant.

Last year we tried several times to get approved by a group of merchants via Commission Junction without success. We had a fantastic site up, 50+ pages, an active blog, existing traffic, etc. Still we got turned down by CJ.

Luckily we’ve had a FlexOffers account since they started and we spotted these merchants were now available through them. We applied via Flex Offers and got approved 2 days later!

Check out FlexOffers here.

Dave B

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idm Premium
Very cool, thanks Dave.