Into Action! A Step By Step Plan!

Last Update: September 17, 2009

Wanna know how to succeed at this biz?

Yep? OK here we go.

1. Find Hungry Niche (targeted group of people)
2. Identify needs / wants / desires / problems of those people.
3. Then find product(s) to fulfill / solve #2

#1 - #3 are critical and you will fail if you do not master these. This is why most people fail and give up or constantly look for easy 'out of the box' solutions from the Gurus. If you get these first stages right you cannot fail. Go to Training Center > Research and familiarise yourself with the Keyword Research Tool.
Cheat like crazy by getting MicroNicheFinder (that's the only tool Thad and I use)

Use the NicheQs or head on over to the AffiliateNicheClub for loads more niche reports. The work is done for ya!

4. Test out the niches using weebly, squidoo, hubs (optional but recomended when starting out)

Watch out for Squidoo and Hubs TOS. Make sure you read 'em.

As soon as you make any sales:-

5. Set up an optimised website / blog. Optimised means using the keyword phrases you found in stages #1 - #3 as your page and blog post titles and sprinkled all over your text. Check Training Center > Search Engine Optimisation.

You'll have to go outside to learn web design. I suggest you master Wordpress but you could start with Site Rubix (visit the SR forum for help with that.) And don't say you can't do it! You'll bloody well have to learn, OK?

6. Write optimised articles to be published on your website / blog and Article Directories. Tons of stuff on Article Marketing in here or grab the 'Big Cat Strategy' from my training resources. Go to Training Center > Article Marketing

7. Backlink website / blog / articles
Go to social bookmarking sites and post about your site, your blog posts, your articles. Everything you do, post about it on places like Digg, Propeller, StumbleUpon, Reddit. Use the same keyword phrases. Link to ALL parts of your site.

8. Build a list (optional but recommended)
Don't p*ss about get Aweber then head over to Training Center > Email Marketing. ('List Legions' is our full guide on list building. Free for ANC members.)

9. Start a PPC campaign (optional or until you are a bit more experienced.)
Dig out those keyword phrases again (you'll be really glad you spent a lot of time on #1 - #3 now!). Where you can, start with the product names but check with the merchant first. Some (especially on the Commission Junction affiliate network) don't allow you to bid on (copyrighted) trade mark brand names. Go to Training Center > Pay-per-click.

10. If this particular campaign doesn't work go back to #1

Keep going back to #1 until you succeed. Remember, only YOU can fail. You must learn to love failure and learn to learn from it.

Each failure brings you closer to success. On one condition...

Wanna know why most people fail at IM?

They do not take enough action and dither about and start falling for every magic trick the Gurus bring out.

This business is pretty simple. Don't over complicate it. And take action!

Dave B

So people, lets get moving into action...


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