Help I'm Goinig Insane-Is Anyone Else Having A Blonde Day?

Last Update: March 02, 2010
Well guys, this is where I'm at today, So far if you have read my other blogs you would know I'm new at IM, I have built a sight, and now making some sales!

Most would think I'm doing OK.... Hears the thing : I keep hearing the words 'PINGING , and BACK-LINKS" so I think to my self I must need to know about these things as I'm sure there important!

 I posted a few questions,  reed a couple 100 questions and replys. No still don't get it.

  I'm impatient so I can't wait till someone answers, so firstly I go to the research section to find out about these things. Hey, to the guys that wrote this info well done great stuff.

Just 1 problem though, I'm having such a blond day I just can't get my head around this stuff, not your fault:

4 hours later, google research as well............................................. My goodness does any one do info for DUMMIES?

 So why am I writing this blog? { I have no idea,hoping someone will speak my language and get this info across so I can move on.}

So if your up for a challenge please let me know what pinning is, and back links. And why I need these GOD -DAM- THINGS.

I'm sure I won't be the only blond out there


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Deborahmaree Premium
Hey Roy, I just put in that URL, what do you do from there as there are about 9 other links to choose from with the first listing,................remember I'm blond thx
Deborahmaree Premium
You are so brave, I added the pings list to word press last night, is 155 good, what should i have. By the way Mr Brave there was 3 things on that list HE HE HE! ..................................thankyou for your help!
Roy Penrod Premium
By the way, you have 155 backlinks to your website right now. You can check them out with Yahoo Site Explorer. Here's the URL:
Roy Penrod Premium
Ok, now let's tackle backlinks.

A backlink is a one-way link from another website to your website.

Google uses backlinks as a way of determining how valuable your website content is. If you find something valuable on the web, you'll link to it, right? Well, Google looks at it the same way for your website.

The higher the quality of the website (in Google's eyes) that links to you, the more "link juice" you'll get. (Link juice is just a techy term for the value of a link.)

It's not the only factor Google uses to rank your website, but it does have an impact.

Go Google "click here" (without the quotes). See Adobe Acrobat Reader as the top link? Well, that's because everyone and their brother link to Adobe Acrobat Reader with the words "click here". Every time someone does that, they create a backlink for Adobe.
Roy Penrod Premium
Hey, I like a challenge. :-)

Ok, pinging. In Wordpress, there is what's called a ping list. It's a list of websites that your blog automatically notifies when you add a new post.

It's the Wordpress way of saying "Hey, dude ... Deborah Maree just added a new post to her awesome website! Check it out!"

You can see what websites your Wordpress blog is notifying by going to Settings then Writing. They're down at the bottom of the page and are called Update Services.