I Think I'm Being Hi Jacked- Am I Over Reacting!

Last Update: March 08, 2010

Hi guys, I'm confused the minute my finger goes on the submit button this sight takes my articles MoreYoung.com , and they get ranked higher then  I do , almost at top at 1st page BUM MA. I would not mind but, no where on the article/page can I find my name or links. What do you think I should do?

 Curious to see if this has happened to anyone else!

HELP We have a hijacker!


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erictransue Premium
PotPieGirl, thanks for the heads up on the forms. Like Deborah, I too have had quite a bit of my content scraped lately. I've sent out the first wave of polite emails, but if they don't remove the content, these forms may come in handy.
dehaynes Premium
I'm finding the same thing is happening. Sometimes one or two words are changed in the entire article. I look forward to hearing feedback from any of the more experienced IMs because I'm a newbie.
Deborahmaree Premium
Hi to every one that is reading this blog, the site above took my articles off as soon as I wrote to them, But there is another site that hasn't removed mine yet. http://www.anorexiaadvisor.com/ I just want to expose them so every one can be aware, I am in the health category so check your articles are where they go.
rocktivity Premium
You should inform Ezines as well.

If they're lifting your content from Ezines but not your byline and especially not your links, they most certainly ARE doing something wrong. If their feed collecting mechanism isn't capable of including resource boxes, they shouldn't be using ANYONE'S content.

My site just started getting content through Free Traffic System. I only keep the posts I feel are appropriate to my audience, and I never delete the links.
PotPieGirl Premium
Hey girl!

I took a look at the site, and yup, they are scraping content. If you click their "About" page, you will see this message:

"For comments and details tcmo6 @ yahoo.com
This site is just a feed collector site.
For material removal send me the link of the page.
This site is using free feeds around the web so it has not done anything wrong.
Please allow 3-4 days for a reply."

First thing I would do is try to contact them via email. You can start off "nicely" (you know, that 'kill 'em with kindness' thing...lol).

Tell them what articles are yours - give them the actual link to the article on his/her site - and request that they take them down voluntarily in the next 24 hours.

While that site may think they aren't doing anything wrong, they are. Their site, or content aggregator is scraping the links and credit to the actual author.

If they don't comply and take your articles down, go ahead and mention that you'll just contact their hosting company since this is a very serious issue for you.

Then, give them 24 hours - because the next step WILL get them taken down...might even get the entire site shut down (or even the persons entire hosting account shut down).

You are going to contact their hosting company and file what is called a DMCA take down notice to their hosting company - and this is serious business.

A friend of mine runs this site :


and he, Jonathan, has some stock forms you will need to fill out and send to their hosting company. It's aggravating, but it's just part of our business.

I keep these forms close by as I am always having to have things removed online. It's a pain in the butt, but you pick your battles and accept the rest as the cost of business. I know that's not comforting, but it's just the way it is.

As you can see from this WhoIs search for your hijacker site:


The site in question is hosted by HostGator and they don't play when it comes to this stuff.

Good luck!
