What Is The Real Definition Of Success?

Last Update: March 01, 2010

Hi Guys, I'm overwhelmed , not only from the response on my blog, but the amount of PM s i have received.This is the reason i am making a new blog, i think this message is important to not only newbies, but others that have been doing this for a while, and are not really getting anywhere.

The other day a close friend asked me, Deb do you really think you cold be successful at this internet stuff? I laughed.

So to answer the question, What is the real definition of success?

Success is measured on different levels for each individual, obviously me success is different to Kyles, and Carson, well we hope so. I had a  dream to learn IM,  set up a website, and sell something." When i say sell something i do want to add that the campaign i picked was  something i was VERY familiar with and i knew a lot about it".

I have done all of this with 3 handicaps,

1/ i am not educated.

2/ I have DISGUSTING Grammar'

3/ And I have DISGUSTING spelling.

I have so far managed to learn how to use a computer over and above emails "all with in 6 months i might add", I built a website, and i am making sales, so I am successful in my eyes. Any one can succeed if you have determination, and you believe in your self, it doesn't matter if it takes you longer then every body else as long as you get there. Make small goal to reach, and once you get there make another, always make them realistic and achievable.

WA is a fantastic place to be , there are so many willing to help, just ask for it, I would not be here if i wasn't for WA, and i am privileged enough to call Allen my good friend, he taught me  a lot, but something are best left for machines, grammar and spelling i'm talking about, his not responsible for that.Thought i better add that.

So i hope this help to put some perspective on things, and  if anyone is even thinking about quitting please send me a  PM, there is ways to achieve you just need to find them.


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mlinleysr Premium
i just read your posts and i liked them. i have just joined up with WA and i am new also. so i put you on what is called the buddy list; i would like to follow your progress and then i can learn also. you already have a site and i just signed on, but i am a fast learner. i will be following right along. mike
jatdebeaune Premium
What you said here is so true and inspirational. It's really a privilege to be part of this community. Help is generous and ongoing, just what you need to succeed at IM. Thanks for your blog.