
Last Update: January 23, 2011

Fellow WA members,
This is my first blog post and just wanted to introduce myself to the community. That's me on my '86 GSXR-750 project bike, I just got running last summer. Needs some design work, but hey, it's had a few owners.

I'm a veteran of the 82nd Airborne Division and hold a Bachelors in Psychology with a minor in Biology and IT.
I spent some of my younger years as a counselor for troubled teens at an outdoor therapeutic program and boarding school. Most of my career now has been in IT. Database and applications Administration as a DoD contractor. I also volunteer with the local VA Hospital and the American Legion.
I became interested in IM and joined WA in 2009 while in between jobs. Then 2010 was spent with an internet startup company where I became more interested in web design, development, and marketing. I learned enough in '09 and '10 to see IM as a viable business for me when the right time came. Well 2011 is here and it looks like the right time for me, so I am getting involved with WA now, with a renewed interest, an enhanced skillset, a plan of action, and a commitment. I am looking forward to getting involved with the WA community as I develop myself personally and professionally.

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