The Power of One Individual's Independent Review

Last Update: February 09, 2011

Buddies and future buddies,

Last night was dinner and a movie night in our home. The one night of the week that my girlfriend and I take off from work, kids, school etc., to spend some chill time together. We enjoy cooking dinner together and spending the evening with wine, music, and movies. We disconnected our home from tv and comcast a while back and have relied on DVDs, Hulu, and Netflix for ours, and the kids entertainment. It is much easier to target and focus on real life and a direction for us, AND kids, using DVDs and internet streaming for our news and entertainment, as opposed to the traditional network and cable TV, with the endless channel surfing and the inevitable, 'Oh, turn back sweety', debates. As always, I have the remote and she controls it.

Anyway, after the kids went to bed, we were surfing the net and a movie popped up in our NetFlix, 'suggestions for you' section. This particular movie comes up all the time, and as of yet, 'We' have always, passed it over. It seemed to be the typical, unbelievable type story, latest and greatest Hi-Tech special effects, flick with some big names. We have both enjoyed The Matrix, IRobot etc., but I have watched probably all of Bruce Willis' movies over the years, and was am always willing to spend the time on this movie just because. But for some reason, WE, deciding together, always found something else to watch instead.

Well, tonight, I decided to take a minute and read with my lil precious, to read what some of the reviewers on Netflix had to say about this movie. And it just so happens the first, I repeat the VERY first, review listed was the deal clincher. From Cheryl of Tumwater, WA. She wrote in such a way as to tip the card in MY favor, Finally! Thank you Ms. Cheryl of Tumwater, Wa.

Her independent, non-Netflix paid and scripted, description of the movie, was what convinced us to spend the time together, on our dinner and a movie night watching, and I am not a movie critic so don't take my word for it, but to me it was yet another pretty cool Bruce Willis flick.

So thanks and Cheers to Ms. Cheryl of Washington state! That is the power of one indivual's independent review.


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dgmills Premium
Well, that's where I should put the 'opt in' form, right? :-)
"The Surrogates". And I see now that I need to start using spell check! I always thought I could proofread for myself. We have watched '24', 'Spartacus', 'Kings', and numerous Chef Ramsay shows. Internet TV is awesome. The Tudors looks very interesting and we'll put it in our queue. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers, Dano
jatdebeaune Premium
Nice story. What was the movie? Cheryl hit your hot buttons. Must have been a good and fair sounding review. Sincerity is transparent. Have you watched the Tudor series? You can get it from Netflix. I'm in the middle of it. Totally hooked.