Progress-New Site

Last Update: March 20, 2011

WA Buddies and future buddies,

I haven't posted in a while but I'm still here. Winter is over and I'm coming out of hibernation, venturing out of my man cave and the annual SAD state. Throughout the cold snow and rain here I have continued to study and practice in the spare time that the 9-5 ratrace and life has allowed.
During the past few months here, I have planned, strategized, started, modified, stopped, deleted, recovered, and continuously debated within myself my projects here. Well I finally broke through some barriers and am at the point where I can make daily measurable progress. The training here is straight-forward enough though sometimes disconnected, but hey that's the internet isn't it? Link to link to link endless surfing. So just chasing down the answers and How-Tos takes time but once the tasks are learned it seems simple enough to apply and reapply them. Lather, rinse, repeat. And as important as the training, the community here continues to be a great source of answers and support.

My online life will proceed in two primary directions. One IM site purely for business and marketing, which I hope to develop into a money maker to buy my way out of the 9-5 and sustain the independent IM lifestyle. This is my

Then there is my "personal passion" site which will be my way of expressing myself and contributing to my community a part of how I spend my time in everyday life. The things that I have experienced, read about, learned, and applied in my own life in the past and still do. I intend to build a community where others can contribute and support each other. and (.org, when the DNS is refreshed), I intend to develop it as a non-profit as time allows.

In addition, I foresee, as time and money and my skills allow, I will put into practice what I learn and pursue purely campaign oriented sales and marketing.

They are both beginner, phase 1 sites and I'll be building upon them daily. So if you visit them and notice some technical issues and areas incomplete it's a work in progress. I welcome any and all suggestions and comments on content, writing, focus, and direction. 

Anyway, I feel like I have finally defined and put myself out there. And for me that's been the hard part. Sort of an identity crisis and writer's block combined. This

is my first venture into an online life. I've been in IT for many years but frankly when I left work I never wanted to see a computer so I never spent much time online and never did the facebook/myspace thing. But now I'm focused and looking long term and down the road. I am taking a slow and steady approach that seems to me to provide consistency and longevity in life and in this business.

Thank you to the WA community here and Cheers,

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dgmills Premium
Hello again Ms. JatDeBeaune,
I have not run across this book yet, But thank you for my first assignment, I am downloading kindle for PC and the book, and I'll get back to you, as soon as I am done with the basic research. Feel free to PM or email me with any and all questions or concerns and updates.
My background in biology was plant and aquatic ecology. I have long been an advocate of organic foods, a cleaner environment, and more sustainable agricultaral practices. And a more sensible lifestyle and natural remedies will be the focus and direction of my efforts.
Having said this, I realize that the technology and the efforts of the existing medical establishment saved my life, so I will never discount what they have developed and accomplished and will always recommend that others follow the specific directions of their Physicians first, and pursue alternatives in parallel that the medical professionals do not have the time or resources to do.
And having said that, I say this, in mine and the opinion of many, the medical community has left many stones unturned in their pursuit of high tech solutions. Like the basics of the human immune system. Chemo and radiation therapy are both untargeted poisons that destroy all cells in the body and leave the immune system ravaged. There was an older coworker of mine that passed away at the same time I was going through the same treatment in the same facility. He couldn't tolerate the "cure".
Many natural remedies, both physical and psychological, have yet to be explored by the medical establishment. So we do really need to push in this direction. I wish your family member the best and I hope you keep me posted. Feel free to email or PM me with questions, concerns, and updates. God Bless
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Dano. Nice sites. Both topics are important. Do you know anything about a book called "How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day"? Written by a non medical person with a mission. Mentions 2 nutrients, and I may have to spring for the book to find out. I'm very curious about everything to do with health and disease prevention. Not big on chemicals as a solution. A close family member has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He's being treated the usual way. I'm trying to lead him to something that'll work and not destroy the healthy part of his body.
Alex Copeland Premium
All working now.
dgmills Premium
Thanks Alex and nice catch. It's out there, at least accessible from my sprint connection which typically comes back as a Detroit IP. And I've refreshed my browser cache throughout my updating today. I can't see behind the scenes but I tried the ping utility on and it's not available from Germany or around the U.S. I'll refresh again and pm Kyle. Check back again when you have time. Cheers, Dano
Alex Copeland Premium
Way to go. Good progress and nice attitude as always. Keep us updated. ( diesn't seem to be working at the moment?)