3Month Anniversary with WA, What have I learned?

Last Update: January 22, 2010

I have now been with WA for three months and thought it was a good time to look back and see what I have learned, what I have/am doing right, and of course what I am doing wrong.  

Let's look at what I have learned.  First, this is not as easy as many gurus would have you believe (at least not for me).  The tasks themselves are not terribly difficult, it is the volume of information, organization of that information, and the application of that information in a clear and focused strategy.  WA has been a big help to me on this score.  Between the Training Center and the Forums and Blogs I have been able to move my business forward without feeling completely overwhelmed.  

Next, I have learned how to use SR to quickly build a multi-page site that looks great.  My first site took over six weeks and a lot of assistance from Craig (Welshy) while my more recently launched site took about thirty minutes.  I have learned how to post FREE reports into the sites and to attach the whole thing to AWeber.  So, that's 2 published sites with links to my articles and offering Free reports.

Similarly, I have mastered many "basic"  skills such as building Squidoo lenses (now even with links in the text of my modules), posting Free Ads, and writing articles that get posted (and hits).  A lot of this was learned from Travis at Bum Marketing and PPG.  I have written a dozen articles (posted 6 so far with 260 total views), placed 16 ads at USFreeAds (over 400 total views) and built two lenses (a toal of 10 views so far).  

Where I have been falling down is the other side of the coin.  The big failings so far are:

  • No Sales - I am getting views, a few clicks (1.6% ala ezinearticles, no info for USFreeAds). 
  • No Ranking -  Nothing I have built has been ranked above 65,000.  I have been very selective in choosing keywords (Low competition/ reasonable traffic) and I am getting views on everything but my lenses but still my work is all but invisible.
  • Low Productivity - I have been working about 8 to 12 hours a day, but I am struggling with writing enough articles and ads, as well as getting more sites launched.  Part of this has been the learning curve, but now it is more a product of being stuck for "what to write".
  • Moving Beyond Member 5368 - I have participated, I have written blogs and comments, and I have started (but not completed) a resource; no movement in three weeks.  I know that it is not a big deal in and of itself, but it is a measure for me of my involvement in this community. 

So, I am moving and each day I do a little (or a lot) to advance my goal of becoming a successful IM/AM pro, but I am still not firing on all cylindersand have a lot to learn.

Back to work,


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