Still stuck at 5368, but I am moving in other areas.

Last Update: January 19, 2010

My last blog was a query into the algorithm which determines member rank and why I appeared to be stuck at 5368.  Several folks said that it was magic and that I should not worry about it anyway.  I have still not moved up any, even after some posts and an additional 45 visitors, almost like I was being punished for questioning the great Oz that is Member Rank.  The good news is that, as I stated in the earlier blog, this measure was one of several non-cash metrics I looked at to guage how I was doing.  It was motivating to see the member rank number get smaller and smaller, moving me from anonymity to someone less anonymous.  Oh well.

I am very pleased that my articles are stating to get published and the urls clicked by others and that I am getting pretty good traffic.  My ads are still getting visitors and I am learning how to load and create WP sites and have becomea lot better at building sites in SR.  I have extensive keyword lists for my chosen niches and each day I do something more to advance my IM/AM business.  In general, I am working and seeing movement in the direction espoused by those in the know here at WA.

The one thing that I am not seeing happen as of yet is my ability to convert traffic to sales.  I am continually working on my sites, lenses, articles, and ads to turn interest into sales.  I have had a lot of help getting to this point from the folks here at WA and with a little more dedication and work I will make the all important first sale and get closer to my first interim goal of $50 a day.

Thanks to all of you who have offered support, assistance, and a great community for growth here at WA.


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Slugger_mn Premium
Send me your stuff I will look at it.. Just the url of your landing pages.. I can take a look at everything from there.. PM me..