Completion of a Product. Should I give it away or charge for it?

Last Update: December 22, 2009

I have completed a short guide for other newbies based on my last eight months of plugging away at IM.  It is not merely a rehash of others (though I am sure there are no original thoughts) but my first attempt to order and build a process to get folks through the myriad and overwhelming first months of internet and affiliate marketing so they can get started without breaking the bank. 

Having completed this work, I wonder if I should give it away (it is 15 pages plus a cover page, TOC, and appendices for a total of 19 pages)  This is what I am leading toward, but then I wonder if I shouldn't sell it for a few bucks to build value and raise a little cash.  As I say, I am leaning toward the Free side and using the report to gather a list so I can start email campaigns for the various affiliate programs I am party to, like WA.

If you have any thoughts, insights, or whatever, let me know.


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olsonrc50 Premium
I'd like to see your guide but am cash poor here. I really need to get cracking.
eageraffiliate Premium
OK, Thanks for the feedback, FREE it will be. I will start working on a separate product that I can push for the $39-$97 that seems the sweet spot. So, the site is about complete, I have an EWeber account and am trying to figure out how to make it work, and I have my report to give away. I think that all should be in place and hot by 1/2/10. Thanks again for the feedback, one of the advantages of being a WA member.
Merry Christmas,
Tiermanm Premium
Im not sure, but I think the general consensus on these types of things is to give it away free to build a list. Just ask JD Pacero (I love this guy), and if you look for his posts it seems like he is on a political agenda to have "Build a List" courses added to public schools.
eageraffiliate Premium
Thanks, as I said, I am strongly leaning toward FREE. I have a fair amount of work into the report, but if I can build a list and drive folks to the various AM programs I am part of. Thanks for your input.
sox1n05 Premium
I'm not sure how much you have put into this, but I myself am a huge fan of free stuff. I think that for us just starting out, it's important for us to start a list. And to start a list, it's important for the reader to trust you. Of course, it's your call, but I think that would be a valuable tool to grow your list as opposed to making a few bucks.