Looking for positive input toward success.

Last Update: October 27, 2009

I am very interested in networking with other WA folks that have positive and relevant information to share.  I am focusing on "what works" and am not that interested in "the dark side".  Every endeavour has a dark side and once you go there it is hard to turn back. 

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No truer words have been said(about going to the dark side). It seems like finding those "golden nuggets" of info come best from experience, though. Everything else is just a suggestion and second hand info at best. Coming to grips with that reality seems to make the journey a lot easier.
eageraffiliate Premium
Egads, why am I so dense when it comes to Site Rubrix? I believe I am following the tutorials, but I keep hitting new issues. I am almost there with the first site and really want to get things wrapped up so I can move forward with other projects.