About Ebits
Joined February 2010
Hello everyone,
I am a newbie to Wealthy Affiliate. Just getting started. I live in sunny B.C. I have no IM experience to date. At the moment I work as a nanny.
After many years of marriage, and without a career during the marriage, I find myself trying to live on minimum wages with very little savings etc. Hoping that I will learn a lot here and start to build myself a little nest, or luckily a big nest, for retirement. So far I have read quite a bit, getting to the overwhelmed stage and realize I must just hang in there and do it.
My priorities in life are my son and daughter, and my granddaughter who just turned two. Wow, time flies.
Hobbies are: painting, a little writing, cross-stich, quilting, home deco and reno's
reading, along with a list of other interests.
I am very excited to be a member at WA. It took me a couple of weeks to find the time to get down to doing the reading necessary, now I am working on getting some campaigns together. I find it all very interesting and am learning a lot. I am trusting that learning curve and feel that I will soon be ready to jump in.

I am sure I will have questions for some of you out there and should spend more time on the forum. HMM..

Thanks for all the buddy posts.
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Ezinewriter Premium
Welcome to WA!
Roy Penrod Premium
Hi! Thanks for adding me as your buddy!
babyboomer20 Premium
I just saw your post about Buddies, click on my picture and it will take you to my page, on the right hand side it will say Add to Buddy List please feel free to add me =)
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi there, how's it going? My name is Marty a fellow Canadian. I Welcome you into my space and I look forward to getting to know you. Congratulations on taking a step to "Owning Your Life". Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!!
babyboomer20 Premium
Thanks for your reply, I've added you....Please feel free to add me too. Marty : ) Stop by and say Hi sometimes!
ebits Premium
Hi Martym
heh, a fellow canadian. are just getting started yourself? Yes it would definately be okay to add me to your buddy list. Hope to hear from you again
ebits Premium
Hello there,
I am a new member and need five buddies to move to the next lesson in WA. How do I go about getting 5 buddies??